Andrea Klaßen

I have been practicing and teaching Feldenkrais for 20 years, always discovering new things and further developing the enormous potential of the method.

I became a Feldenkrais teacher in a roundabout way. I see myself more as a guide preparing the foundation for more flexibility and ease.

Feldenkrais lessons are based on the development of movement in early childhood, from the supine position to the prone position, rolling over one side, and so on. We speak here of body intelligence. All movements and experiences are stored in our body memory. In the course of life we learn and unlearn a lot, experience and repress, develop strategies and finally "obey" more and more our head. At some point, many find that head and body no longer fit together. A disbalance or even a splitting off of the body develops. Many people no longer feel their body at all, until it finally makes itself known in the form of pain or restricted movement. Instead of falling back into the trap of thinking and "reconquering" the body through control, will, effort, training and rehabilitation, Feldenkrais movements awaken the joy of moving naturally, easily, effortlessly, flexibly and freely again, of being authentic. They create connectedness of mind and body, enable a change of perspective. Space for new things and the path for development are paved. "Feeling whole", "being present", "being aware", "trusting", many terms for a very individual feeling of having arrived "at home" in the body again.

My personal development includes Feldenkrais trainings as well as other somatic approaches, such as Alexander Technique, Meditation, Embodied Life, etc. I also believe in the power of art and in everything that enriches life and gives joy.


  • born March 3, 1962 in Cologne, Germany, married, two adult children

  • Feldenkrais teacher (training with Chava Shelhav, student of Moshé Feldenkrais, 1999-2003) 

  • M.A. in art history 

  • Lecturer for Movement and Consciousness (Department of Architecture) at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences 

  • Course and seminar leader in Cologne (at the Institute for Intuition Training IFI)

  • Author for evolve (magazine for consciousness and culture)

Offerings in The Green Room:



Susanne Dickhaut


Michael Lourenco