Outi Elena Valanto

Outi Elena Valanto's background is dance and dance education which she studied in Finland, Germany and Austria. In 2018, she completed her Master of Arts in Performing Public Space at Fonty's University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. She has worked as a choreographer and dancer in various projects in Europe and staged her own works in theaters in Estonia, Finland and Hungary. She has also participated in various residency programs in Europe. Since 2020, Outi has been pursuing a PhD at the University of Lapland.

In addition to her artistic work, she has worked on the production side of culture. In administrative and producer roles, Outi organizes various cultural events such as socio-cultural projects, workshops and exhibitions.

She is interested in inclusive and sustainable art practices and looking for ways to create common ground through art. At TGR, she will be working in the GreenHaven residency program. Outi looks forward to helping artists continue their practice at TGR and creating the best possible situation for artists and connecting with the local community.

Roll in The Green Room:

Project Coordinator : GreenHaven-Artist-Residencies

Website: www.outielenavalanto.com


Heather O’Donnell


Nataliia Bulatova