Lecture: PEP® / Self-esteem training and stress-reducing techniques for artists

Brigitte Schreiner

A confident performance encompassing all artistic and personal qualities needs security, self-confidence and flexibility. However, often obstacles such as stage fright, excessive demands, self-doubt or even various fears stand in the way, so that personal and artistic potentials can not really be expressed.

In this lecture, I would like to introduce PEP® (Process- and Embodiment-focused Psychology) to interested artists. PEP® is a stress-reducing and self-esteem-boosting technique developed by Dr. Michael Bohne, scientifically researched since the '90s and developed into a highly effective method throughout decades of experience.

In small, practical exercises on the self, one can already clearly experience the effectiveness of the quite easy to learn tapping technique: inner blockages are neuronally dissolved and transformed to new sovereignty and noticeably clearer self-confidence.

Are you curious? Then please come!

November 12, 2022: 11 am - 1 pm

This lecture is free of charge

Book here.



Workshop „HALTUNG – verstehen & erleben“


Vortrag: PEP® / Selbstwert-Training und Stress-reduzierende Technik für Künstler*innen